Would you like to learn how to lose weight by losing the emotional baggage?

Lose weight by losing the emotional baggage

Emotional eating starts when your emotional baggage gets heavy and you start to look for quick relief, not of knowing how to address the underlying problems, let alone how to do that. It is not practical or reasonable to expect lasting weight loss results if you are holding on to unresolved emotional problems. Carrying heavy emotional baggage from past experiences with you wherever you go, can have a devastating effect your health.

Dieting doesn’t work without this essential step of addressing the internal weight. It’s all about losing your internal weight so you can release and keep your external weight off. Keep in mind that losing weight can be a challenge when looking for relief, or a quick fix to feel better. Usually, this happens with some sugary food or snack. There is temptation everywhere, but the problem isn’t with food or snacks, it never is.

Most people come to us not knowing how to release their emotional baggage, or that their weight issues have anything to do with those emotional burdens they carry and feel.

What you are going to find out is that it has everything to do with it, and up until now you’ve just learned to cope with it. But, in ways that do not produce lasting and satisfying results.

No one is to blame here because you can’t heal these parts if you do not know they exist, and if you’ve and never been taught or educated on how to get this healing. Because if we don’t know and understand how to release the baggage, we tend to revert back to old ways of coping. Needing and seeking to instantly gratify an old feeling or habit, to distract us temporarily.

Real Solutions Now

How to lose weight by losing the emotional baggage. We specialize in will helping people to release emotional baggage and offer some of the fastest and most effective transformational processes with our Breakthrough sessions, personal development, and mind-body alignment processes. We help to quickly address the underlying problems and emotional baggage, that causes our body to react with symptoms, so you can lose weight naturally. You can work with me personally or one of my specialist team members in the Portland area or online.

Love and Light

Kim Ryder

Click the link and apply for a life-changing Breakthrough Sessions with me
here: http://mindbodyinsync.com/sessions/

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